Latest Trending News Coronavirus Impact on Healthcare Sector
The impact of the pandemic is also being seen on the financial markets and there is no clear vision of how far can it spread as it has already destroyed several businesses and industrial sectors. The aftermath analysis of the healthcare sector has been made on the basis of an assessment of industry analysis and the industrial body FICCI.
While the unprecedented global pandemic challenge has made the healthcare sector as its epicentre it has given rise to the corporate sector to stand in support of the government to meet its needs and necessities. From getting testing support to preparing of isolation beds for the Covid-19 patients or stationing equipment and staff in many identifying nodal hospitals and healthcare centres.

Benefits being provided by the healthcare sector –
As the preparation of the private healthcare sector is fully active, it has to bear more burdens on its shoulders because it has a list of investment to make in extra equipment, manpower, consumables, safety preparation for the staff and patients in the hospital and nevertheless have to witness electric surgeries sharp drops in OP footfalls and connect with international patients as compared to other sectors and that is the harsh and brutal reality.
This industry will see even more losses at least in the coming 3-6 months as compared to the loss it is facing right now. This is also an expected event because it has a fixed cost that will have a severe impact on cash flow.
Even if there is an announcement from the government for any fiscal stimulus, still there will be a favourable eye site on this industry. An estimation of huge benefits such as increased awareness about the healthcare sector and complete attention of the government towards this industry will show excellent results.
The footprint on India’s medical device industry is a hit –
The medical device industry has reached real and unimaginable heights. It has become such a big hit that it has started the import of consumables, disposals and capital apparatus such as gloves, syringes, orthopaedic implants, computed tomography, bandages, magnetic resonance and has also started designing their own personal protective shield that is worn by doctors and nurses to a country like China. But India has been finding difficulties in substantiating important raw materials and electronic devices from the country where it all started.
Although the Chinese factories have resumed their operations of manufacturing, importing and exporting but still the lack of this essential equipment still exists. The dividend and margins of Indian companies who are into importing of medical devices and manufacturing of small components to finished products have been affected. This can lead to a major increase and pressure of prices in buying the medical devices in the short term.
This shows that the Covid-19 has increased the value of healthcare workers positioned in any designation and have made them the soul warriors of our country. They are the real soldiers and deserve every round of applauds, appreciation and respect. The healthcare industry has been burning the midnight lamp since the pandemic started penetrating inside the country.
Researching of medicines and doing trial test takes months and years to invent the right type of vaccine or injection that can help in curing this virus. We think that the doctors, scientists and researches are not doing enough only because we are hearing of more cases coming out but many are also recovering and they are actually doing more than their limits to get the economy to restart a new and a fresh life all over again.
The medical industry has at this time tried filling vacancies for frontline positions because of the need for more manpower for deliveries, imports and exports activities. The live saviours have been able to create a good image of themselves to the nation even after them being threatened and pelted with stones by us only. When certain people were attacking them they didn’t realize that it is the doctors and nurses who are actually trying to save them and show them a new welcoming life. It is said that a doctor is considered as equivalent to god because they save and revive the lives of the people this statement is actually true and has proved it to us during this epidemic.