6 Things an Employer Should Do to Minimize Construction Accidents
Millions of people work at construction sites every single day. These people are exposed to various risks and injuries from accidents because most construction sites are hazardous places to work. These workers suffer from accidents that range from falls to injuries from trench collapses and crash wounds to scaffolding accidents. Electrocution is also one of the most common construction accidents. Construction accidents can cause minor injuries to death. If an individual suffers from an accident, then his or her lawyer will determine with whom the liability in the construction accident lies. Multiple parties, including the construction company, can be liable for construction site accidents. Considering this, the employer should strive to minimize construction accidents by following the six steps.
- Make Personal Protective Gear a Mandatory Requirement
Employers should make it mandatory for their workers to wear helmets, safety glasses, and other personal protective gear on all construction sites. In addition, they should check whether the workers adhere to safety policies and precautions to keep themselves and others safe from accidents.
- Ensure the Safety of Trenches and Excavation Sites
Employers’ failure to ensure the safety of trenches and excavation sites increases the possibility of collapse. Therefore, employers should ensure that trenches and excavation sites are safe and prohibit workers from entering unprotected trenches or excavation sites.
- Erecting the Scaffolding
Only that scaffolding is stable under its weight that is erected properly. Scaffolding should be able to hold up weight up to four times the maximum recommended load. It should not be erected on uneven ground because it increases the risk of collapse and can also harm the workers.
- Regular Inspection of Tools and Equipment
Construction workers use a lot of tools and equipment and rely on them to perform their tasks efficiently. However, when workers use faulty or malfunctioning tools and equipment, they put their lives at risk. Therefore, employers should encourage the workers to regularly inspect their equipment and establish a routine maintenance and repair schedule.
- Require the Use of Fall Prevention Equipment
Falls are one of the common causes of injuries and can lead to serious health issues. They can also be fatal. However, employers can significantly reduce the number of fall-related incidents by making it mandatory for workers to use fall prevention equipment and inspecting the premises for any potential fall dangers.
- Provide Training on the Signs of Chemical Hazards
Construction workers work in the most hazardous places and are exposed to harmful chemicals and toxic substances. Yet, most of them have no awareness of the chemical hazards. Therefore, employers can protect the workers by providing them training regarding chemical hazards and how to protect themselves.
The law can impose legal and financial liabilities on a non-negligent property owner in specific types of construction accident cases. Construction accident lawyers are familiar with the technical laws regarding construction accidents. Employers can be held liable for construction accidents. Therefore, they should take measures and protect their workers and minimize the risk of serious or fatal injuries at work.