DDA Land Pooling Policy Delhi MPD-2021
The land pool policy which was approved on 5th September by the Ministry of Urban Development is solely motivated to provide strength to the owner of the land. This policy will put a stop to the practice of selling the land if the owner is not ready to sell it. Needless to say, that this policy will bring fundamental changes in the purchase and development of the land, especially in Delhi.
In 1961, the initial master plan of Delhi was put into words. At that time the policy of DDA was to take hold of lands straightly from the landowners at a price fixed by them, whereas the DDA will then sell plots one by one after making necessary amendments in its master plans. At the time of nominal land values, this method was acceptable.
The private sector in 1960 was not strong enough to shoulder the dual responsibility of housing and urbanization. That is the reason why the government took the entire processing in their hand and followed the practice of land acquisition in a standard way. But in the 1980s private sector started playing a major role in this incremental ability. Due to demand surge from the users have adversely affected the supply from the governing bodies and made it unstable in the past few decades thus, giving away out to the private sector to create the majority of supply.
All these affected the values of the land and needless to say, have increased the investment and seizing the land desire of the consumers. The land acquisition bill 1894 which was continuing at that time proved unfair to the landlords in regard to there habilitation and compensation. Slowly and gradually after instances which occurred in West Bengal, Noida, Andhra Pradesh, the government realized that the forceful acquisition of land is not acceptable and moreover it is illegal.
In addition, due to the delay in government acquisition policy, the private sector followed more of a free-market methodology for various projects.
According to this land pooling policy, landowners give up their land to the central pool and become the investor of the development which is done on their land. On getting the land pooled the owner is entitled to claim 40-60 % of the land surrendered by him. Then there will be no dispute about the undervaluation of the acquisition and fair terms will be followed for all the landowners without any regard for the land acquired by them. The land i.e. 40-60 % which was retained by the DDA will be utilized for developing infrastructures or can be modified for specific purposes as proposed by the DDA.
The two basic announced land pooling policies, so far are-
Landowner holding more than 20 hectares of land or more will get 60 % of his land back.
Landowners holding 02-20 hectares of land will get only 48 % of their pooled land.
A separate institutional framework will be set up by the DDA which will be laced with the officials from DDA’s engineering, land management, accounts, legal and finance departments as proposed by the latest proposal. Needless to say, all the policies and plans will be fully backed up with GIS technology. If the need arises then mandatory changes will be made in the land Acquisition Act 1894, Land Reforms Act –1954, Delhi Development Act—1957, and Delhi Municipal Corporation Act – 1957.
DDA master plan is advertised as a promising opportunity to the landowners of real estate where administrative commitments result in growth spark off. DDA’s master plan will take care of providing accommodation to the 10 million people and will provide facilities to the 1.6 million private residences. To meet this dream of fulfilling housing requirements the land pooling is an effective and innovative pathway of transforming dreams into realities.