Price Analysis of AtromG8 (AG8) and Gleec (GLEEC)
In the past 24-hours, the investors have increased their investment power in favor of pushing the price of AtromG8 (AG8) in the higher direction. Therefore, the price of AtromG8 is now observing a 61.11% rally. The push comes from the high interest of investors in moving AtromG8 higher in order to generate more gains from it.
The investors have made huge investments and due to a high rally, they have brought its unit value up to $0.05267 per AG8. If the sentiments of the investors remain high in favor of a positive trend, then AtromG8 may continue witnessing surges.
However, the surges may not be as strong as the ones being observed in the past 24-hours. In the upcoming days, the investors may favor the bulls to push AtromG8’s price to $0.06369. If all goes well in favor of the bulls, they may continue helping the investors in pushing AtromG8’s price up to $0.0777. In the upcoming days, the investors may push harder to bring AtromG8 up to $0.0956.
As for the investors going in favor of a bearish trend for AtromG8, they may try and pull the price of AtromG8 down to $0.04159. Their attempt would be to pull the price of AtromG8 even lower by increasing their selling power.
Therefore, the bears may try and bring AtromG8 down to the second strong support mark ($0.03244). If the situation appears to be in control of the bears and they have more support from the investors, then they may attempt to bring AtromG8 down to $0.02498.
As for investors supporting Gleec (GLEEC), they have managed to launch a 67.60% rally in favor of the digital asset. The rally has resulted in boosting the confidence of the investors after achieving the $0.115 unit price in the past 24-hours.
If the rally continues, then the investors would achieve a unit price worth $0.1506 for Gleec. If they continue increasing their investment power, then more investors would start noticing the change in the trend for Gleec.
For now, the RSI for Gleec is in the negative zone but the bulls pushing the price higher from their end may move RSI into the positive zone. If that happens, then more investors would start rallying, pushing Gleec’s price up to $0.1989. At this point, the bears may launch their counter-attack, and prevailing against the bears would mean bulls get to push Gleec’s price to $0.2645.
If the bearish trend kicks in for Gleec, then the price of Gleec may get pushed down to $0.0793. This would deal a huge blow to the investors and they may start losing their confidence. As a result, the price of Gleec may fall to $0.05396, as the investors start selling Gleec on a large scale.
If the bears continue selling Gleec without stopping, then they may cause the price of Gleec to fall deeper to $0.03615.