8 Important Things You Should Know About the Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Lawsuit
Camp Lejeune is a U.S. Marine Corps base located in Jacksonville, North Carolina, that was founded on July 1st, 1939, and has since grown into one of America’s largest Marine bases with an area spanning 150 square miles.
1. Why is Camp Lejeune Impacted?
Before the 311 lawsuits were filed, over 1,000 confidential government reports were filed. These reports outlined the health impact and risks of contaminating water at Camp Lejeune. In truth, there have been many problems with this base for years, but until recently, it seemed as though it was a limited issue that only affected a small number of Marines.
2. Why should I Join the Lawsuit?
You may have been exposed to the chemicals used in the water. If you were and have developed a disease such as cancer, you can file a Camp Lejeune lawsuit for compensation. However, filing a Camp Lejeune water contamination lawsuit has become challenging ever since settling Lejeune water contamination cases was made extremely difficult by the government, so you might need the help of a lawyer.
3. What are the Symptoms of Camp Lejeune Water Contamination?
Many different diseases have been linked to Camp Lejeune water contamination. Some include cancer, multiple myeloma and leukemia, and bladder and kidney cancers. There have also been diseases related to contaminated water, such as breast or prostate cancer. In addition, many babies were stillborn or miscarried at Camp Lejeune when dirty water.
4. How do I File a Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Lawsuit?
Before filing a Camp Lejeune water contamination lawsuit, the court must grant you leave to join the existing cases. You must also show that you were at or lived in Camp Lejeune between 1957 and 1987. You will also need to provide proof of your current illness or disease.
5. What Qualifies as Evidence?
Several different things count as evidence in this type of Lawsuit. The most important examples are medical documentation and any reports that show the contamination on the base. It is also essential to obtain copies of any policy or guidelines that may have been set forth by the floor concerning chemicals and water quality. In addition, it is vital to capture photographic evidence of the treatment plants, contaminated wells, and storage tanks on the base.
6. Who Can I File a Camp Lejeune Lawsuit Against?
You can only file a lawsuit against a federal government agency or entity. In this case, that entity is the United States Department of Defense. If you are not a military veteran or spouse, you can still file a Camp Lejeune water contamination lawsuit. However, it is up to the plaintiff to prove that they were stationed at or lived on Camp Lejeune at any time during this timeframe. Lastly, you will need to confirm that your illness or disease was caused by exposure to chemicals used in the water at the base while you were stationed there.
7. How Long Will Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Lawsuits Last?
Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing how long these lawsuits will last. However, the number of Marine veterans with various diseases growing by the day will likely mean a great deal of time.
8. How Will You React If You Are Granted Leave to File a Lawsuit?
You may have noticed that a great deal of time and effort is required to file one of these lawsuits. If you are granted leave, you must take all the necessary steps to ensure that your Camp Lejeune water contamination lawsuit does not get dismissed.
There was a significant time between filing the first complaint and the point where these lawsuits became active. With the current number of people affected daily, this may continue for some time.