Julian Assange to Attend Virtual Political Rally in the Metaverse
Julian Assange the computer scientist and hacker best known for founding WikiLeaks has made a public move after many years. He is wanted by authorities in USA on 18 counts of espionage charges.
However, the controversial figure has now decided to make an appearance at a Metaverse rally. He is joined by former Labor Party leader of UK Jeremy Corbyn. The event is expressing protest against WikiLeaks founder and his questionable extradition from USA.
Reports have confirmed that Assange has decided to make an appearance at the Web3 political rally on 26th August. He intends to raise awareness regarding this unjust exile out of United States and make case to prevent extradition.
Reports also suggest that he is planning to give speeches during the event joined by his wife Stella Assange. Other key persons to join Assange are Corbyn and Editor-in-Chief Kristinn Hrafnsson. Event organizers at Wistaverse have maintained that all characters that are joining the event are going to appear as virtual avatars or in the form of pre-recorded displays in the arena.
Free Assange Rally organizers have decided to design the virtual arena to imitate the architecture of Royal Courts of Justice in UK. The event is seeking to gather enough momentum to organize a real-life rally in front of the Royal Courts once the hearing date is announced.
Assange is set to get a chance to defend his case against his extradition from the region during the next hearing. The event organizers have maintained that this event is a great way to unite Assange supporters across the globe.
At the same time, it is a good way to give voice and momentum to the people who believe in freedom of speech and press. In this manner, the people from across the globe will be able to raise their voices in support of WikiLeaks founder without breaching their privacy.
Furthermore, the people of the world may be able to set a new precedent for human rights efforts in the world. The event is organized by Wistaverse and named as one of the first international Metaverse event to host a protest demonstration.
Wistaverse Rally to Take Place at Sandbox
Sandbox is going to be the main arena where the Wistaverse event is going to air live. Wistaverse is creating a reputation for being the first Metaverse platform that is dedicated to host protesting events. This event is set to take place at Sandbox.
Sandbox is a virtual gaming platform where gamers can create and explore gaming arenas and environments according to their taste and preferences leveraging blockchain.
Wistaverse also organized another protest in the Web3 community that was directed against abortion rights when Roe vs. Wade was happening in association with Amnesty international. Assange raised $50 million in NFTs to help him settle legal fees on WikiLeaks case. He has also setup Assange DAO and issued $Justice token as part of the fundraiser event.
He is currently held in prison at UK and making an appeal against extradition to US for the second time since 2019. He has been charged by the authorities in USA to release confidential military data such as airstrike footage from Iraq and Afghanistan war zones.